
Accomplished and forward-thinking Data Engineer and Scientist with a comprehensive background in Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, and Data Science. Proficient in Python, and well-versed in creating scalable data pipelines and deploying machine learning models using technologies such as Apache Spark and Google BigQuery. With a track record of leading successful data analytics projects and effective collaboration within diverse teams, I have proven my ability to deliver high-impact data solutions.

My unique perspective as a dyslexic thinker has always been a source of innovative approaches and complex problem-solving capabilities. Equipped with a robust foundation in mathematical modeling and machine learning, I excel in turning raw data into valuable insights that drive strategic decisions. Passionate about harnessing data to bring about societal change, I am on the lookout for opportunities to make a significant difference through my expertise.


Programming and Scripting

Highly proficient in a wide array of programming and scripting languages, including Python, Scala, Java, C++, PHP, PowerShell, Bash, SQL, and Visual Basic for application development. Additionally, adept at web development utilizing HTML5, PyScript, TypeScript, and JavaScript.

Computational and Data Science Tools

Demonstrable expertise in a range of computational tools including Mathematica, Maple, and MATLAB. Proficient in data science tools like Matplotlib, NumPy, SciPy, Seaborn, Pandas, and PySpark. Familiar with data visualization tools such as Tableau, Power BI, and Plotly. Skilled in using R for statistical programming and analysis.

Machine Learning Frameworks

In-depth knowledge of machine learning libraries and frameworks like Statsmodels, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and XGBoost. Proven ability to implement machine learning algorithms to solve real-world problems.

Data Engineering and Cloud Technologies

Proven track record in data analysis, time series analytics, signal processing, mathematical modeling, quantitative research, and data mining. Experience in using cloud computing platforms such as Cloudera, GCP, and Microsoft Azure. Proficient in big data technologies like Apache Spark and Hadoop. Familiarity with Jenkins for continuous integration, Agile development methodologies, Git for version control, and Docker for containerization.

Hardware and Networking

Practical knowledge of hardware including Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Solid understanding of TCP/IP networking and debugging techniques.

Graphic Design Tools

Proficient in graphic design tools like Photoshop, PowerPoint, LaTeX, GIMP, and CorelDraw. Capable of creating engaging visual content for various platforms.


PhD in Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics - King’s College London

November 2014 - December 2019

MSci in Mathematics - King’s College London

September 2008 - August 2012

  • Grade: First Class Honours (1:1)
  • Covered various modules in pure and applied mathematics, including physics and statistics.
  • Dissertation: ‘Integrable quantum spin chains’
  • Societies: KCL MathSoc, The Math Network

Advanced Extension Award in Mathematics - Edexcel

January 2007 - August 2008

  • Grade: Merit
  • Extra exam given to challenge the top 10% of candidates.
  • Developed mathematical skills and knowledge in pure mathematics.
  • Demonstrated understanding and skills to the fullest extent.
  • More advanced questions than the A-Level syllabus.

3 A-levels & 3 AS-levels - Sir George Monoux College

September 2006 - July 2008

  • A-levels: Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics.
  • AS-levels: Computer Science, Psychology, Communications.


Data Engineer - Quantexa

January 2023 - Present

  • Took part in the Quantexa Academy, scoring a remarkable 97% and earning the title of Quantexa Certified Data Engineer.
  • Gained hands-on experience with Scala, contributing to codebase improvements, software enhancements, and problem-solving in complex data engineering projects.
  • Frequently provided help and support to other academy participants and team members, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
  • Utilized my expertise in big data technologies such as Spark, Hadoop, and Elasticsearch to define and implement best practices across the business.
  • Leveraged strong programming skills in Java, Python, and Scala to contribute to various data engineering projects and initiatives.
  • Engaged with stakeholders including delivery teams, clients, and partners to provide high-quality data solutions in both cloud and on-premise environments.
  • Assisted in the development, testing, and documentation of a broad range of data engineering tools, enhancing the efficiency of project delivery and the overall strength of Quantexa’s data engineering function.
  • Developed and optimized ETL pipelines for big data processing, data cleansing, parsing, and standardizing of global datasets, leading to more efficient data management and processing.
  • Implemented innovative solutions for data classification, and entity extraction/resolution, further strengthening Quantexa’s cutting-edge data technologies.
  • Continually learning and innovating within the dynamic field of data engineering, contributing to Quantexa’s vision of making better decisions through a greater understanding of context.

Data Scientist (Senior Executive Officer) - Office for National Statistics

March 2022 - January 2023

  • Working in the Economics Statistics Group (ESG) as part of the Data Science Campus and the Economics Insights squad.
  • Extracting, analysing and interpreting large amounts of data from a range of sources, using algorithmic, data mining, machine learning and statistical tools in Python and R.
  • Developing and maintaining data pipelines and data visualisations using Python, R, SQL, Tableau and GCP.
  • Working with a team of data scientists, statisticians and economists to deliver high quality data products and services.
  • Researched and implemented the price index and aggregation methodology for the least cost index which was used to track the price of the lowest-cost grocery items for 30 products over multiple retailers using web-scraped data on GCP.
  • Continued member of the Data Science and High-performance computing (DaSH) expert group and the Index Numbers Expert Group (INEG).
  • Joined the Data Access Platform Capability And Training Support (DAPCATS) mentoring scheme to help other data scientists and analysts with their work and projects.
  • Delivered presentation titled Spark application debugging, tuning and optimization as part of the Spark at the ONS event to the ONS, hosted by DAPCATS.
  • Worked on a project to investigate the feasibility of using transparancy declearations, expenditure data that local councils and central government bodies must publish, to improve intelligence on public sector expenditure and increase the quality of ONS public statistics.
  • Founding member of the ONS Data Science Network, a cross-department group that promotes data science across the ONS.
  • Earned the Recognition Award three times for exceptional collaboration and impactful contributions to the ONS, first in August 2022 for facilitating team transparency with GitHub, again in December 2022 for aiding GCP system migration, and posthumously in May 2023 for pioneering a cross-ONS data scientist network.
  • Provided help and support to allow the capital stocks statistical production to be accessible for transparancy and reproducibility, and helped out developers from other departments by sharing my knowledge and troubleshooting systems on GCP.

Freelance Mathematics, Statistics and Computing Tutor - Witherow Brooke

July 2021 - May 2022

  • Tutoring university students and planning lessons remotely over a video call and an online whiteboard.
  • Advanced topics such as Linear Algebra, Statistics and Python.
  • Helping students to develop their problem-solving skills and confidence.

Data Scientist (Higher Executive Officer) - Office for National Statistics

June 2021 - March 2022

  • Working in the Economics Statistics Group (ESG) as part of the Reproducible Data Science and Analysis (RDSA) team, formerly known as Emerging Platforms Delivery Support (EPDS).
  • Extracting, analysing and interpreting large amounts of data from a range of sources, using algorithmic, data mining, machine learning and statistical tools in Python and R.
  • Researched and implemented multilateral price indices, using calculations, imputation and time series extension methods in Python, for Big Data alternative data sources (scanner and webscraped data) and new index methods processed via Spark for the Consumer Prices Alternative Data Sources ETL Reproducible Analytical Pipeline.
  • Developed and maintained data pipelines and data visualisations using Python, SQL, Spark and Cloudera.
  • Delivered a presentation titled Introduction to Pandas UDFs to my team and department as part of a regular Data Science seminar series in RDSA.
  • Became a member of the Data Science and High-performance computing (DaSH) expert group, the Index Numbers Expert Group (INEG) and the EPDS induction team onboarding new starters.

Mathematics, Software and Technology Consultant - Self-employed

January 2019 - Present

  • Advice to clients on the application of mathematics, software and technology, such as statistical analysis, machine learning or IoT devices.
  • Researching new methods and technology for innovative applications.
  • Provided training and tutoring in mathematics, software and technology.
  • Consulting on web development and writing custom code in Python, PHP, Javascript, MySQL etc.
  • Developing and maintaining websites and web applications.

Electronics Repair Technician - Self-employed

January 2009 - Present

  • Providing services to repair electronics such as PCs, laptops and mobile phones.
  • Upgrading computer software and hardware.

Freelance Mathematics Content Writer and Video Developer - Nagwa

July 2020 - Febuary 2021

  • Planning, researching and writing ‘explainer’ content using LaTeX for topics in mathematics from GCSE to undegraduate level.
  • Recording lesson and question videos for mathematics using the Nagwa studio app.
  • Editing and uploading videos to the Nagwa platform.

Science Communication Volunteer - Institute of Physics

July 2015 - August 2015

  • Participant in an online event called ‘I’m a Scientist, get me out of here’.
  • Answered questions by school students regarding my research but also black holes and physics, with fast paced web chats.

Postgraduate Researcher - King’s College London

November 2014 - Febuary 2019

  • Researched black holes in quantum gravity using supergravity, differential geometry, topology and Lie algebras.
  • Developed Python code for extensive computations of tensors and Clifford algebras in quantum gravity.
  • Doctoral training from the mathematics department with supervisors Prof G Papadopoulos and Dr J Gutowksi.
  • Published research in peer-review science journals written in LaTeX.
  • Attended and presented at conferences on my published research.
  • Awarded a PhD Scholarship by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) for academic excellence.
  • Planned weekly journal clubs and other activities.

Graduate Teaching Assistant - King’s College London

September 2012 - January 2019

  • Teaching Assistant for: Probability and Statistics I & II, Cryptography, Calculus I & II, Partial Differential equations and Complex Variables, Geometry of Surfaces, Introduction to dynamical systems, Intermediate dynamics, Linear Methods, Elementary Number Theory, Groups and Symmetries, Linear Algebra.
  • Conducted training sessions in a computer lab for Maple, a software package for technical computations.
  • Marked and graded weekly assignments and tests.
  • Held extended office hours for students to ask questions and discuss problems.
  • Planned regular tutorials and oversaw student presentations.
  • Offered guidance and support to students.

Researcher - King’s College London

October 2011 - June 2012

  • Researched quantum integrable and spin chains with applications in quantum computing for information processing.
  • Training in the mathematics department with supervisor Dr B Doyon.
  • Analysed physics journal papers and typed up report in LaTeX.

Sales Assistant - River Island

October 2008 - November 2010

  • Greeting customers who entered the shop, giving advice and guidance on product selection and dealing with customer issues and answering queries.
  • Stock control, checking and retrieving items, responsible for processing cash and card payments and stocking shelves with merchandise.
  • It was also important to work within the team to ensure all the targets were met.


OrcID: 0000-0003-3754-3730

  • Symmetry enhancement of Killing horizons in D = 6 supergravity (Sole Author), ArXiv, DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.1912.04249
  • Dynamical supersymmetry enhancement of black hole horizons (Sole Author), Research Thesis, DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.1910.01080
  • Symmetry enhancement of extremal horizons in D = 5 supergravity (Sole Author), Institute of Physics: Classical and Quantum Gravity, DOI: 10.1088/13616382/aac30c.
  • Dynamical symmetry enhancement near massive IIA horizons (Joint Author with J. Gutowski, U. Gran, G. Papadopoulos), Institute of Physics: Classical and Quantum Gravity, DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/32/23/235004
  • Dynamical symmetry enhancement near IIA horizons (Joint Author with J. Gutowski, U. Gran, G. Papadopoulos), Journal of High Energy Physics, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2015)139


  • MATHEMATICS OF STRING THEORY (MOST) - King’s College London, London - Publications in Applied Mathematics - Oct. 2018
  • 2nd South East Mathematical Physics Seminar - King’s College London, London- Future Research in Mathematical Physics - March. 2017
  • Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory - CERN, Switzerland - Publications in String Theory and Supergravity - Nov . 2016
  • Localisation and the gauge/gravity duality - King’s College London, London - Publications in Theoretical Physics - Feb. 2016
  • Young Theorists’ Forum - Durham University, Durham - Latest Research in Supergravity - Dec. 2015, Dec. 2016, Dec. 2017